Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

HELLLOOOO 3rd Trimester!!!

Well - I completely apologize for being the blogger slacker!! Shoot!! Where does the time go?!?!
We have been super busy - getting ready for Warren's BIG arrival! We have been working on the nursery, going to childbirthing classes, and TONS more!!

We are officially 29 weeks!! Hello 3rd Trimester! Yay!
We are in the home stretch now!! We are now going to the doc every 2 weeks. According to - Warren now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain.

Again - so hard to believe he is only 2 1/2 pounds - my belly is HUGE!!! This pic was taken a couple of weeks ago...

Here are some pics of the nursery! It's a work in progress, but we LOVE it!!

That's all I have for now! I hope ya'll have a great week!! Fiscal Year End is June 30th at work and it CANNOT come soon enough!! Whew!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Daycares, Diapers, Breast Pumps...OH MY!!

Happy Memorial Holiday weekend!!...a few days late!! Ha ha!! I hope everyone had a great weekend...we SURE did!! I was ever so lucky and was able to have a 4 day weekend - VERY much needed!! Eric started the wonderful world of Wheat Harvest....he is just tickled!

We had a wonderful doctor's visit last week - Warren is doing fantabulous!! He weighs 1 1/2 pounds - yay!! We are now in our 25th week - ABSOLUTELY crazy!! Check out the 24 week belly pic - HUGE!

At week 25, Warren is about the size of a rutabaga... what is that you ask?! I had no clue...can you tell?! Ha ha!! Like I said last week, hard to believe the little man is so small because it feels like he is HUGE!! :)
Next week - June 11th - is our 4D sonogram!! We CANNOT wait for that!! I'm also very happy that Jenny and mom are coming in town for the action!!

We had a fun-filled weekend over the holiday weekend! While Eric worked on Friday - I ventured out to keep checking for daycares for the little man! We are having a hard time because there are so many people on waiting lists.... Please pray that we find something soon!! I also enjoyed a little shopping - imagine that - picking out fabric and just hanging out!! We decided to go with the orange, brown, ivory, and blue fabric choices - Now - I'm officially ready to sew those curtains!! I've never sewn curtains before, but I'm going to give it a whirl - stay tuned for pictures once the masterpiece is complete!!

Registry Fun
On Sunday - we ventured out and went to REGISTER for all of the wonderful baby goodies... THANK GOD they give you a book when you sign up to register - because Eric and I were clueless!! We went to Babies-R-Us, Target & Wal-Mart!! We had the BEST time!! Needless to say - we were pretty overwhelmed, but we figured it all out!! We had a MAJOR moment and we got COMPLETELY overwhelmed checking out the breast pumps - NEVER thought you would hear me say that!! Ha ha!!

Eric had the MOST fun with the scanner!! He went to town on diapers and wipes! Bless his heart!! I appreciate him going with me so much!! We also finished buying all of our furniture! Check out the pics below! (These are just pics from the website - this is NOT our bedding - just FYI)
So - we are now finished with all of the big furniture - now on to decorating!! :)

Tonight we went to our first "parenting" class - Breastfeeding. Yes - Eric went with me - THANK GOD! Whew!! This was an interesting class, but excited to give it a whirl!!

Well - I'm super tired and super TICKLED tomorrow is Friday!! Have a great weekend - we'll talk soon!