Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Countin' Down the Days!

Since I've been a little behind on blogging lately, I wanted to share these FUN pics from a few showers we have had!! God is sooo good!!

Bunge Lovin'
We had such a sweet shower at Eric's work - Bunge in Yazoo City!! It was sooo precious!! Check out these pics!! Warren is so blessed already!

Bailey's Lazy Days
Here lately, Bailey LOVES to be lazy on the weekends!! He LOVES to sit outside on the patio and enjoy the weather!! Sweet lil' dude!

Jackson Shower Fun
We had a precious shower in Jackson too last weekend!! It was PERFECT!! Warren racked up and got tons of goodies!!

Me with the SWEET hostesses;
Lydia, Amber, Anne & Stacy!
 Amber & Anne rubbin' on Warren!! Can't WAIT for him to get here!
Yummy Food Table!! :)

Super PRECIOUS cake!!

Last but not least....BIG 'OLE BELLY SHOT!!!! 

I'm now officially off of work for the next 13 weeks!! Yay!!! I'm so excited!! Now....last minute things to do before the little man gets here!!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blogged down!!

So sorry I haven't blogged in almost a month!! Whew!! What a wild past few days!! With our weekly doctor visits, every week is a wild one! Ha ha!! This week we found out if the little man doesn't make his grand arrival before September 7th, that is his BIG day!! We are so excited, but still sooooo anxious!! Whew!!

Now - for getting the bag all ready, putting the car seat in the car, and just mentally preparing!! We are somewhat OCD.... :) God is good tho - thank God I have been able to work up until the end!! That makes me so excited to be able to spend all of my maternity leave with Warren!

We have a shower this weekend and we are so excited!! Our sweet friends are throwing us a shower on Sunday and we are so appreciative for everything - that everyone has done for us! Needless to say, we have been so blessed for all of our sweet friends & family who continue to bless us with all of these great blessings!! So... can I say we are blessed?!? :)

Well...on to monogramming for the little man ... can't ever have enough monogrammed goods! Ha!! Stay tuned for BIG 'OLE BELLY shot!

Monday, July 26, 2010


Well - I officially have a BIG 'ol BELLY!! Wowzers!! I have been quite the slacker with posting belly pics! The belly is just SOOOO big!! Ha ha!!

Here are a few to catch you up:

I mean do you see that?!?!? Let's hope this lil' man weighs 20 pounds...or not!! Ha ha!!

Well, I'm back to the doctor tomorrow for my check-up. Already 33 weeks! Stay tuned for an update!
Have a great week!


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Truly Blessed!!

Hi ya'll!!
Eric and I had an AMAZING weekend!! We had our 1st shower for Warren and he was definitely OVERLOADED with goodies!! We are so blessed for such great family & friends!! We are forever thankful for the generosity of everyone!! I sat in his room and just look around in awe of all the goodies he has!! God has already blessed him with great friends and loved ones!

Here are some pics of the festivities!! Check out this SUPER PRECIOUS cake!!

What a GREAT day this was!! :) Now.... the true test comes when we are working on finding a special place for all of the goodies!! How crazy was I that I thought ... honestly... that all of his goodies would fit in his 1 closet?!?!!? BOY ... was I wrong?!?!!? So - now we are working to clean out closets in this house to make room!! Who would have ever thought we would need all of this space!? Ha ha!!

Well - today we are 31 weeks pregnant! Whew!! And I am LARGE & IN CHARGE!!! I am truly embracing this big-ness!! Thank God for Snickers ice cream bars and pizza!! Ha ha!! Life is good!!

I went to the doctor today - I'm now on the every 2 week visit and all is just perfect!! Warren's heartbeat was about 140 and he was bouncing around all over the place!! We are sittin' on go!! :)

According to; this week, Warren measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin.
I know I say this every week, but man... so hard to believe he is only this big - becauase this belly resembles more of a watermelon!! Ha ha!!

We are getting our maternity pictures taken next Tuesday evening! I am so tickled!! I just have to find the perfect outfits now!! She is also the photographer who will be taking Warren's grand arrival photo shoots!! Check out her website: I am in LOVE!!

I guess I'm going to hit the hay - I have a SUPER busy day tomorrow!! Man... I'm ready for a break from all this craziness called work!! Ha ha!! I hope everyone has a great night!

Stay tuned - I can't wait to show y'all pictures of Warren's digs! His nursery is looking just perfect!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

HELLLOOOO 3rd Trimester!!!

Well - I completely apologize for being the blogger slacker!! Shoot!! Where does the time go?!?!
We have been super busy - getting ready for Warren's BIG arrival! We have been working on the nursery, going to childbirthing classes, and TONS more!!

We are officially 29 weeks!! Hello 3rd Trimester! Yay!
We are in the home stretch now!! We are now going to the doc every 2 weeks. According to - Warren now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain.

Again - so hard to believe he is only 2 1/2 pounds - my belly is HUGE!!! This pic was taken a couple of weeks ago...

Here are some pics of the nursery! It's a work in progress, but we LOVE it!!

That's all I have for now! I hope ya'll have a great week!! Fiscal Year End is June 30th at work and it CANNOT come soon enough!! Whew!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Daycares, Diapers, Breast Pumps...OH MY!!

Happy Memorial Holiday weekend!!...a few days late!! Ha ha!! I hope everyone had a great weekend...we SURE did!! I was ever so lucky and was able to have a 4 day weekend - VERY much needed!! Eric started the wonderful world of Wheat Harvest....he is just tickled!

We had a wonderful doctor's visit last week - Warren is doing fantabulous!! He weighs 1 1/2 pounds - yay!! We are now in our 25th week - ABSOLUTELY crazy!! Check out the 24 week belly pic - HUGE!

At week 25, Warren is about the size of a rutabaga... what is that you ask?! I had no clue...can you tell?! Ha ha!! Like I said last week, hard to believe the little man is so small because it feels like he is HUGE!! :)
Next week - June 11th - is our 4D sonogram!! We CANNOT wait for that!! I'm also very happy that Jenny and mom are coming in town for the action!!

We had a fun-filled weekend over the holiday weekend! While Eric worked on Friday - I ventured out to keep checking for daycares for the little man! We are having a hard time because there are so many people on waiting lists.... Please pray that we find something soon!! I also enjoyed a little shopping - imagine that - picking out fabric and just hanging out!! We decided to go with the orange, brown, ivory, and blue fabric choices - Now - I'm officially ready to sew those curtains!! I've never sewn curtains before, but I'm going to give it a whirl - stay tuned for pictures once the masterpiece is complete!!

Registry Fun
On Sunday - we ventured out and went to REGISTER for all of the wonderful baby goodies... THANK GOD they give you a book when you sign up to register - because Eric and I were clueless!! We went to Babies-R-Us, Target & Wal-Mart!! We had the BEST time!! Needless to say - we were pretty overwhelmed, but we figured it all out!! We had a MAJOR moment and we got COMPLETELY overwhelmed checking out the breast pumps - NEVER thought you would hear me say that!! Ha ha!!

Eric had the MOST fun with the scanner!! He went to town on diapers and wipes! Bless his heart!! I appreciate him going with me so much!! We also finished buying all of our furniture! Check out the pics below! (These are just pics from the website - this is NOT our bedding - just FYI)
So - we are now finished with all of the big furniture - now on to decorating!! :)

Tonight we went to our first "parenting" class - Breastfeeding. Yes - Eric went with me - THANK GOD! Whew!! This was an interesting class, but excited to give it a whirl!!

Well - I'm super tired and super TICKLED tomorrow is Friday!! Have a great weekend - we'll talk soon! 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Baby Williams has a NAME!!!

James Warren Williams
After a long....and big....decision...Baby Williams has a name!! Yay!!
His full name will be "James Warren Williams" - We will call him Warren!! Where did we find this name?!?! I'm so glad you asked!! :)
James is a family name for both of our families - Warren will be the 4th generation with the first name James - in Eric's family. He is also named after my Grandpa - my mom's dad - Pa Jim Disher. Where does Warren come from? My dad's dad - Pa Gilbert. His full name was Gilbert Warren. I have always LOVED the name Warren - so it's a great fit!!

More Decisions
Since I cannot find any bedding that I am just in LOVE with, we are going to get some bedding made! Eric and I ventured out to the fabric store Saturday morning to find the perfect stuff! (Thank God for Eric - he's so sweet for going with me to all of these places) I think we are going to go with the orange, brown, and blue pattern! :) I'm going to make the curtains and other pillow accessories for the room!! Yay! It's all going to come together!!

I also found these snazzy giraffe paper lanterns that I will hang in the nursery as well!! (In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE animal print!!) Ha ha!!

23 Weeks and Counting....
So - it is definitely crazy that on Tuesday, we will already be 24 weeks - Where is the time going?!!? Good Lord!! Here's a pic of the big 'ole belly shot!

I'm so excited because I can finally distinctly feel the lil' man moving around in that big belly! For quite a while now, mom keeps asking me, "have you felt life?" I've been getting super frustrated because I always say nooooo..... but - NOW I have felt him dancing around in there!! He especially loves to move around during church - I guess it's all the music!! So - they say that the little man is about the size of a large mango right now...I mean - have you seen the size of that belly up above?!!? Hard to believe he's only this big....
We head back to the doctor tomorrow - Yay!! It's been 5 weeks this go around - so we can't wait to see what he has to say this time!! We get to have another ultrasound tomorrow too - stay tuned tomorrow and I'll post the action!

BUSY Weekend!!
Eric has simply been "slaving!!" around this house!! We have just one project after another!! Our newest project is extending the patio in the back yard. We... or should I say ... Eric is extending the patio out to be an 18x18. It was nothing short of a HOT STEAMY MESS outside this weekend - whew was it hot?!?
Check out his progress!

Well - I'm off to get ready for the week - super TICKLED it's a 4 day work week - and so is the next week!! Yay for holiday weekends! I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Happy Monday..... as happy as that can be....huh?!? :) I hope everyone had a great weekend!!

Last week was a busy week for me, workwise! I'm glad it's over - but I did have a fun night of painting at Easely Amused - my favorite!!  Check out my masterpiece - called "Orange Crush" Yep - I painted it all my by self!!

Unfortunately, I was bitten by the sleepy & migraine bug on Friday....BUMMER!!! :( I sooooo haven't had a headache in awhile either....That's NEVER fun!! I came home early Friday to nothing but a throbbing migraine....shew! So - I napped ....until 11 PM!! Ha!! Still not gone - so thank god I have medicine for those pesty things!! If that is all I have to deal with tho - throughout this pregnancy - then I'll be just fine! :)

Sunday was a big day around our house!! We ordered Baby Williams his bed!! Thanks to my parents, they purchased the little man a snazzy bed - hopefully he'll take it to college, Dad was sure to say - it will probably only last 2 years!!

Check it out!

Eric and I really like how it converts to a daybed for when he gets older....
Now - we just have to figure out what kind of bedding we are going to get. That is the true test - I cannot find anything that I am just "in love" with!!! Looks like I'm going to have to go with a custom bedding. I like wild animal prints for the nursery, Eric says I'm a little silly!! Imagine that!!

We are now approaching 23 weeks and I have a major BABY BUMP!! Man...he decided to pop on out this week!! Dang!!

Hope everyone has a great week! I'm gearing up for a good no plans of a weekend!! Yay!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Long Time No Chat!!

Whew!! Sorry I haven't chatted in so long - It's been a wild past few weeks! 
Check out the past 2 weeks baby belly - Baby Williams has officially decided to pop on out these past few days!!

Tomorrow we officially start week 22! Absolutely wildness!

Mothers Day & Anniversaries
Eric and I had our 2 year Wedding Anniversary on May 3rd. We are so blessed for the life that we have shared together so far.  I asked Eric the day of our anniversary if he thought 2 years ago we would be starting a family now....he was QUICK to answer...well Lord no!! Ha ha!! We celebrated our anniversary by spending the weekend together (as always) working in the yard and in the house - we have officially cleared out the nursery.

For our anniversary, we bought each other a new car!! Not too shabby...huh?!? Eric couldn't stand the 'ole Land Rover so we traded it in for a new Tahoe. It's very nice, I'm just trying to get used to driving such a big car. I made the comment the other day it feels like I'm driving a big pontoon just floating down the road!! Ha ha!!

We headed home to Missouri for Mother's Day this past weekend - we had such a great time and as always, it was fantastic to see everyone!! Boy - are we tired tonight tho?!?

Had to post the belly pics - I'll have to catch up later this week! Have a great week - It's Women's National Health Week by the way - so all you chickies - take good care of yourself!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Houston...we have a BELLY!!

Baby Belly
Well....after 19 weeks of pure bliss, we FINALLY have a baby belly!!
I think this lil' man decided to pop on out over the weekend, either that, or I"m eating too many groceries!! Ha ha!!

Tomorrow we are approaching 20 weeks!! WOW!! That means we are halfway to meeting this lil' man!! According to - The baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana.

Now - the fun part has began - trying to pick out a name and decide on nursery decorations!! :) Yay!! I LOVE this part!!

Tornado Alley
Unfortunately, some BAD weather blew through the MS area over the weekend. Yazoo City was hit with a horrible tornado. Because that is where Eric's grain elevator is, we had to DASH on over there to check it all out. Thank GOD Bunge survived with only a few cuts & bruises. I snapped these pictures so everyone could see it all first hand.

The scene was definitely very sad!

Southern Loop is Back and Busy!!
With Graduation, Baby & Wedding Showers in full swing, SouthernLoop has been SUPER busy!! I love it tho!! Check out my latest creations: Monogram Frame, Laundry Bag and Bib/Bup Cloth Sets (one for for girl)!

Well - that's all for now - I hope everyone has a great week!