Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, April 19, 2010

It's a BOY!!!!!!!

Eric and I had the most AMAZING day!! We found out our precious bundle of heaven is going to be a sweet lil' BOY!! Our 19 week checkup went just perfect! He is weighing 10 oz, Heart Beat is 132 and is a healthy lil' ham! :) Thank the good lord Jesus!!

All in all - the doctor said everything is going just great! We go back in 4 weeks and they are going to do another sonogram because they weren't able to get him to cooperate to see the front of his face... Hey - I'm tickled we get an extra sneak peak at the little man!! It is so crazy how hearing, "It's a Boy" is almost like hearing your pregnant all over again!!

Needless to say, Eric is on Cloud 29, he skipped 20 clouds when the sweet girl told us we were having a boy!! He jumped up and said...Really?!!? Hysterical... all I could say is well, my goodness - I'm crying!! Ha ha!! Funny how these moments literally take your breath away!! I don't think Eric's feet have touched the ground all day!! I'm so excited too - now just what to name the lil' booger!!

I'll have to say the most fun was calling our family to give them the BIG news!! My dad thought I was playing a joke on him - such a silly goosie!! I guess he thought he would always be the "boy" in the family!! Growing up with me, Jenny and Mom - he never had a chance!! Now - he is going to have him a grandson to teach how to farm!! Ha ha!! Eric's family were tickled too!! I always love hearing everyone's reaction!! These truly are the best moments in life!!

Here is a sneak shot of the sonogram from today!

After we flew home from work, we treated ourselves to a little Celebration Dinner!! We went to our favorite place, Biaggie's! All Eric wanted to talk to me about during dinner was whether or not the lil' dude liked the pasta I was eating....He's a hot mess!! I think seeing the baby wave to him on the sonogram screen and seeing all of his toes, arms and feet really put a new perspective on things!! Eric kept saying, it's just hard to believe all of that is going on in there (talking about my stomach)!! It truly is nothing short of a miracle!! My belly still is not that big, but I have a feeling - this little man is going to poke out any day!!

After Biaggie's, we hit up Target to buy something BLUE!! I lost Eric for awhile in the baby section - all of a sudden I hear him say, "Jackpot!!" I darted over to see what he had found.... take a look at this!!
Eric was PUMP-ED when he found this shirt!! He said...This is PERFECT!!! Daddy's Caddy in Training alright!! Ha ha!! I'm so truly blessed with the BEST husband that will be an amazing daddy!!

Well you know I had to check the goods out too!! Look what I found an... I love Mommy shirt!! :) Kinda scary if you think about as a MOMMY!! Ha ha!!!

Ya'll know me and after 'hitting the jackpot' as Eric would say, we came home with a new wardrobe for our little man!! Ha ha!! We just couldn't hold back!! (Notice all fo the I love Dad stuff - Eric wanted to buy it all (which doesn't happen every day!! Ha ha!!)

Well after a SUPER eventful day, I'm cashing it in!! I am so excited the Lord is blessing our family with a precious baby boy! We ask him everyday to bring us a healthy bundle of love that we can love and squeeze forever!! Thank you - all - for you continued prayers as the journey continues! God is good! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sabrina Eftink ToliverApril 22, 2010 at 11:51 AM

    So happy for you guys! Love your blog, it's so fun to hear about all your fun experiences. You are right, this whole process is a total miracle! Oh! And Baby T said to ask Baby W - "how you doin'?" Ha! Glad all is well, hope to see you soon ;)
